Childbirth Education
Seven (7) week childbirth education and preparation course focusing on natural childbirth for any expectant family having a home, birthing-home, or hospital birth.
Postpartum Care
Home Visits for all of your postpartum needs.
Lactation Support
Personal and professional breastfeeding support from an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant.

The gift of postpartum support.
During those precious and healing days after the birth of your baby consider giving yourself and your newborn the gift
of supportive and nurturing healthcare.
It can also be the perfect gift for a loved one.
A gift for in-home healthcare at a time it is most needed.
Childbirth Education Curriculum.
- TOPICS Class 1: Welcome to Labor
- Introductions
- Birth stories
- Birth art discussions
- Baby showers and blessing ways
- What is childbirth? societal thoughts and cultural thoughts
- Rite of passage without fear but with respect
- Advantages of natural and medicated birth
- Other healthcare providers and support for pregnancy, labor and postpartum
- Pediatricians, Chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists and doulas.
- Prenatal, perinatal and postpartum hospital policies and procedures.
- Touring hospitals, birthing homes and meeting providers.
- Other classes such as car seat, nurturing fathers and daddy boot-camp.
- Being prepared what you need and who you need
- End of pregnancy testing and how to have a healthy natural start of labor
- NST testing and inductions
- TOPICS Class 2: Early Labor
- How to coax labor to begin if the body is ready
- What’s a contraction/rush/surge how to time them
- Hormones associated with labor (thinking brain vs primal brain)
- When to call in the troops
- Eating, drinking, resting, distractions
- What is amniotic fluid (TACO/COAT)
- Too early at the hospital and what happens
- Coping with it all
- Relationships and labor
- Support and interaction
- Siblings and labor
- MOVIE Stages of Labor part 1
- TOPICS Class 3: Active Labor
- Scenarios
- Positions
- Touch
- Emotions
- Hormones
- Sounds of a laboring woman
- Communication
- Breath work
- Relaxation
- Massage
- Water for relaxation, labor and birth
- Music to have, movement to use
- People and energy of labor
- MOVIE Stages of Labor part 2
- TOPICS Class 4: Transition/Pushing
- Complete dilation
- Hormones
- Transition
- Giving up
- How the perineum works
- How to keep your body healthy (no GBS)
- Perineal massage
- Positions for giving birth
- Hospital beds and how to use them for giving birth
- Head, body, feet, baby
- What is done for mother and baby (immediate postpartum)
- All the procedures and importance of them
- Movie Stages of labor part 3
- TOPICS Class 5: Variations in Labor
- All the variations of…
- Normal Pregnancy
- Labor and Delivery
- Pre-term early rupture of membranes
- Post-term
- Breech
- Twins and vaginal birth
- Gestational Diabetes
- Shoulder dystocia
- Induction medications risks and benefits
- Self induction risks and benefits
- What to do if baby comes fast
- GBS and medications
- Epidurals how and why
- Pitocin how and why
- Cesarian sections risks and benefits
- Bleeding Pitocin and Methergine
- Movie: “Birthday” – A sweet movie to make you all smile
- TOPICS Class 6: Postpartum
- Going home
- being home
- support at home
- new baby needs
- new mom needs
- dad needs
- sibling needs
- coping
- hormones
- nutrition
- healing
- visitors
- pediatrician visits immunize risk and benefits
- Circumcision risk and benefits
- Movie finish stages of labor
- TOPICS Class 7: Breastfeeding
- Anatomy of the lactating breast
- Hormones and how milk is made
- Benefits (there are no risks)
- Skin to skin during the first several weeks after birth
- Implants and nursing (yes you can)
- Pregnancy and nursing (yes you can)
- Adopting and nursing (yes you can)
- Working and nursing (yes you can)
- Pumping and bottles (yes you can)
- Premies (the most important food is breast milk (how and why)
- Donor milk and milk banks
- Hospital support (or should I say lack of it) and how to ask for and receive support during you or your newborn’s hospital stay
- La Leche League and other breastfeeding support groups
- Father/Partner role (very Important)
What’s Next?
If you have gotten this far and you still have more questions about our services, or if you’d like to register for the next class series, contact us HERE.